About Me


Reaching out  for help can require a great deal of courage, but it has the potential to be a life-changing decision.

It would be a privilege for me to help guide you in your journey of growth and transformation.

Let me walk you through what working with me is like, should you choose this path.

I believe that therapy doesn't have to be a stuffy, formal experience.  Instead, I like to create a warm and relaxed environment where we can talk openly and honestly about what's on your mind.

I strive to build a strong therapeutic relationship from the first time we have contact.  Trust and rapport are essential to creating a safe and supportive environment where you can share your deepest thoughts and feelings.

When we work together, I'll take the time to understand your unique background, experiences, and challenges. By digging deeper into the root causes of your struggles, we can address the underlying issues that are holding you back and find meaningful solutions that work for you.

And just because we're talking about serious topics doesn't mean we can't have a little fun along the way. Laughter is a powerful tool, and I believe that incorporating humor into our sessions can help ease tensions and make the therapeutic process more enjoyable.

Above all, I care deeply about the well-being of my clients. I want to help you lead a happier, healthier life, and I'll be with you every step of the way

But it all starts with taking that FIRST step.

What does the actual process look like?

First, we’ll schedule our consultation video call to determine that we are the right fit to work together. I’ll ask you about why you’ve chosen to reach out at this time, what your challenges are and what your goals are for therapy.  During this consultation, you have the opportunity to ask me any questions you have.

From there we'll schedule your intake session.  During the intake session, I will ask you questions about all aspects of your life. You can expect to be asked about your childhood, family, relationships, mental health, education and traumatic experiences.  We will cover your life from childhood to the present.  We will also discuss the issues that you are currently struggling with as well as the impact they are having on your life.  Additionally, we will work together to identify your treatment goals.  The information you provide during this session will help me gain an accurate picture of your emotional and psychological state to determine the right treatment for you.

After the intake session, we will get to work!

We will work together to delve deeper into the challenges or difficulties that you may be facing. These challenges may include a range of issues, from relationship problems and communication issues to anxiety, depression, or trauma.

You will begin to learn more about yourself and your patterns of thinking and behavior. This might involve exploring your past experiences, identifying negative self-talk or limiting beliefs, or examining the ways in which your thoughts and feelings influence your behaviors.

I will help you develop strategies and tools to manage your emotions and improve your overall well-being. This may involve learning new coping mechanisms, developing healthy communication skills, or practicing mindfulness techniques.

The ultimate goal is to equip you with the tools you need to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges in a healthy and effective way.

We will begin to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  You will learn more about yourself and begin to identify any patterns or underlying issues that may be contributing to your challenges. Together, we will develop strategies and tools to manage your emotions and improve your overall well-being.

Will it be challenging?  Yes.  I will take work, effort and commitment.

Will it be worth it?  Without a doubt.  The potential benefits can be life-changing.

What do I use to help you make the transformation happen?

I use an Integrative Therapy approach that incorporates techniques and strategies from multiple therapeutic modalities in order to meet the unique needs of each individual client. The goal of integrative therapy is to provide you with a tailored, holistic approach that considers all aspects of your experience, including your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships, and physical health.

Integrative therapy can draw from a wide range of therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy, and others.

Questioning if it’s the right time to start therapy?

If you want to experience life in a new way…

If you’ve said to yourself “I just don’t want to feel like this anymore…”

If you’re feeling hopeless that nothing ever changes….

It’s the right time.


How I got started in therapy…

The path I took may resonate with you, as it wasn't too far from where you might currently be.   During my late twenties, I was working in a different field and became increasingly unhappy.  I experienced burnout and woke up miserable each day.

I wasn't finding joy in my life and felt so stuck.  Something needed to drastically change. Seeking guidance, I decided to consult with a therapist. The transformative effects of therapy not only improved my experiences, but also led me to discover a new career path.

Ever since then, my focus has been on working diligently for my clients, aiming to produce the same exceptional outcomes that I myself experienced.

My background experience (Your education, certifications, trainings)

Master of Social Work

from Fordham University

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Florida and Connecticut

Qualified Supervisor for Clinical Social Work


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Certification

Trauma Treatment Certification

ASIST Suicide Prevention Certification

What do I do when I’m not doing therapy?

When I’m not working, I take any chance I can get to read.  I love spending time with my family and friends. A lot of my time is spent catering to the needs of my two adorable rescue dogs. Traveling is also something I enjoy. I try to plan a few trips a year to places I have never been. I bought a ukulele recently with the goal of learning how to play….it’s not going so well. My dogs don’t appreciate my musical skills, but I’m determined to master it!

Taking the first step

I know it can feel as if you’re  in a difficult place at the moment.   Believe me, I've been there too. If you've read this far and found yourself resonating with what I've shared, I highly suggest seeking therapy.

Even if you don't choose me, reaching out to another therapist can be life-changing.

Realigning your mindset can be the most crucial decision you make in your life, as it completely transforms your perspective on the world around you.

I'm here to help guide you through this journey, and I'm committed to supporting you every step of the way.

I’m excited to begin working with you.  Schedule a chat with me below to begin!

Help is Just a Call Away

Are you ready to start experiencing life differently?